Saturday, July 23, 2022

MINT Ulaanbaatar - Take Me There (feat. Амра)

 I Found You Staring at Me

Feels like a feeling meant to be

As your body moves through mine

It's like I'm Lifted Out of Time

Be For Real Don't Be A Stranger

Is It The Only Way To Be

All The Time I've Been Waiting

For This Moment To Arrive

Hold My Hand

Take Me To The Far Away

Hold My Hand

I feel your touch under my skin

This feeling’s all I ever wanted

With every kiss I felt the rush

Made me believe there were only us

Be for real don’t be a stranger

Is it the only way to be

All the time I’ve been waiting

For this moment to arrive

Hold my hand

Take me to the far away

Hold my hand

Hold my hand

Take me there

Make me feel safe again

Hold my hand

Take me there

Make me feel good again

Take me there

Make me feel safe again

Take me there

Make me feel good again

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